Alex exoskeleton
ALEX SoftwareDocumentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CActuatedJointAbstract class representing an actuated joint in a Robot Class (extending joint). Requires a Drive object through which commands are sent
 Cbutton_statesDescribes the state of a set of buttons which include a Green, Yellow, Blue and Red. Used within the Buttons class. - Not currently used
 CButtonsButtons class, which represents a set of buttons. - Not currently used
 CCO_time_tTime object, usable for timestamping - Defined in CANOpen code
 CCopleyDriveAn implementation of the Drive Object, specifically for Copley-branded devices (currently used on the X2 Exoskeleton)
 CdataType_tData types structure - Defined in CANOpen Code
 CDriveAbstract class describing a Drive used to communicate with a CANbus device. Note that many functions are implemented according to the CiA 402 Standard (but can be overridden)
 CDummyActJointExample implementation of the ActuatedJoints class
 CDummyTrajectoryGeneratorExample Implementation of TrajectoryGenerator. Includes only two trajectories (Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-sit) for an Exoskeleton
 CEventAbstract class for events used as StateMachine triggers to transition between states. Events must be explicitly tied to a current State and state to transition to once the event has been triggered. This is done using a Transition object in a designed StateMachine
 CExoRobotExample implementation of the Robot class, representing an X2 Exoskeleton, using DummyActuatedJoint and DummyTrajectoryGenerator
 CExoTestStateExample Implementation of State Class. Used with ExoTestMachine
 CInitStateInitialisation State for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState)
 CInputDeviceAbstract class representing any input device to be used in a Robot object
 CJointAbstract class representing any joints within a Robot
 CKeyboardExample InputDevice which takes input in from a keyboard. Useful for testing without any other input devices
 CkeysStruct listing the Keys which exist on a Keyboard
 CmotorProfileStruct to hold desired velocity, acceleration and deceleration values for a drives motor controller profile
 Cperiod_infoTask Timer used for the Control Loop
 CRobotAbstract Class representing a robot. Includes vectors of Joint and InputDevice
 CSittingState for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState) - representing when the exoskeleton is sitting down (stationary)
 CStandingState for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState) - representing when the exoskeleton is standing up (stationary)
 CStandingUpState for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState) - representing when the exo is standing up (moving)
 CStateAbstract class representing a state in a StateMachine
 CStateMachineAbstract class representing a state machine. Includes a number of State and Transition objects
 CTrajectoryGeneratorAbstract class which is used to generate trajectorys for a Robot to follow
 CTransitionRepresents possible transitions linking two State objects with an Event