Alex exoskeleton
ALEX SoftwareDocumentation
CActuatedJoint | Abstract class representing an actuated joint in a Robot Class (extending joint). Requires a Drive object through which commands are sent |
Cbutton_states | Describes the state of a set of buttons which include a Green, Yellow, Blue and Red. Used within the Buttons class. - Not currently used |
CButtons | Buttons class, which represents a set of buttons. - Not currently used |
CCO_time_t | Time object, usable for timestamping - Defined in CANOpen code |
CCopleyDrive | An implementation of the Drive Object, specifically for Copley-branded devices (currently used on the X2 Exoskeleton) |
CdataType_t | Data types structure - Defined in CANOpen Code |
CDrive | Abstract class describing a Drive used to communicate with a CANbus device. Note that many functions are implemented according to the CiA 402 Standard (but can be overridden) |
CDummyActJoint | Example implementation of the ActuatedJoints class |
CDummyTrajectoryGenerator | Example Implementation of TrajectoryGenerator. Includes only two trajectories (Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-sit) for an Exoskeleton |
CEvent | Abstract class for events used as StateMachine triggers to transition between states. Events must be explicitly tied to a current State and state to transition to once the event has been triggered. This is done using a Transition object in a designed StateMachine |
CExoRobot | Example implementation of the Robot class, representing an X2 Exoskeleton, using DummyActuatedJoint and DummyTrajectoryGenerator |
CExoTestState | Example Implementation of State Class. Used with ExoTestMachine |
CInitState | Initialisation State for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState) |
CInputDevice | Abstract class representing any input device to be used in a Robot object |
CJoint | Abstract class representing any joints within a Robot |
CKeyboard | Example InputDevice which takes input in from a keyboard. Useful for testing without any other input devices |
Ckeys | Struct listing the Keys which exist on a Keyboard |
CmotorProfile | Struct to hold desired velocity, acceleration and deceleration values for a drives motor controller profile |
Cperiod_info | Task Timer used for the Control Loop |
CRobot | Abstract Class representing a robot. Includes vectors of Joint and InputDevice |
CSitting | State for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState) - representing when the exoskeleton is sitting down (stationary) |
CSittingDwn | |
CStanding | State for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState) - representing when the exoskeleton is standing up (stationary) |
CStandingUp | State for the ExoTestMachine (implementing ExoTestState) - representing when the exo is standing up (moving) |
CState | Abstract class representing a state in a StateMachine |
CStateMachine | Abstract class representing a state machine. Includes a number of State and Transition objects |
CTrajectoryGenerator | Abstract class which is used to generate trajectorys for a Robot to follow |
CTransition | Represents possible transitions linking two State objects with an Event |