11 #ifndef DUMMYACTJOINT_H_INCLUDED 12 #define DUMMYACTJOINT_H_INCLUDED 28 int toDriveUnits(
double jointValue) {
return jointValue * 10000; };
int toDriveUnits(double jointValue)
Converts from the joint value to the equivalent value for the drive.
Abstract class describing a Drive used to communicate with a CANbus device. Note that many functions ...
bool initNetwork()
Pure virtual function for initialising the underlying CANopen Network to send and recieve PDO message...
Example implementation of the ActuatedJoints class.
double fromDriveUnits(int driveValue)
Converts from the drive value to the equivalent value for the joint.
Abstract class representing an actuated joint in a Robot Class (extending joint). Requires a Drive ob...
DummyActJoint(int jointID, double jointMin, double jointMax, Drive *drive)
Drive * drive
Contains a Drive object, which is a CANOpen device which is used to control the physical hardware...
bool updateValue()
Updates the value of the joint. This will read the value from hardware, and update the software's cur...
setMovementReturnCode_t setPosition(double desQ)
Set the Position object.